We are delighted that six of our students are on track to attend the 25th World Scout Jamboree in South Korea in 2023.
Seb and Toby from Y10 and Y11s James, Amy, Dan and Samuel will all be representing the UK contingent, and we hope to support them on their journey to South Korea.
The theme of the Jamboree, which will attract more than 40,000 Scouts from across the world, is ‘Draw your Dream’, representing a willingness to accept young people’s ideas and opinions. 

They have to raise a huge amount of money to be able to attend the Jamboree in SaeManGeum and are being incredibly enterprising in their endeavours to reach their total.
Explorer Scout Seb said: “I had to complete a selection process. However, I may only attend this life-changing event if I raise the amount of money required to cover the costs. If I raise more than my target I can help other scouts who are struggling to raise their funds.”
If you would like to give your support visit the Just Giving link here: www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/sebsjamboreefund
Pictured are Seb, James and Toby in uniform.