Hazel Grove High School has hosted a fantastic BBC Bitesize 2020 event. This was a fantastic opportunity for students to meet people working in the media. Sessions focused on careers in creative roles and featured a panel of three professionals from TV/radio, media make-up, gaming and costume design. They all offered an inspiring insight into the world of creative work and shone a light on the routes into, and opportunities within, a sector that many of our students may not have considered.

The event was hosted by BBC Radio presenter Jordan North, who interviewed Holly Dunwoodie, Rebecca Lockwood and Steven Roper who all work in creative industries linked to the BBC.

Students had the opportunity to ask questions and to speak to the panel members after the event.

BBC Bitesize has been updated and now includes lots of fresh information regarding careers. There are also excellent resources available for all subject areas. Please encourage your son/daughter to have a look, sign up using their own email and use the website to support them in both curriculum areas and careers. Click here to see more – https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize