Travelling to school
Where can I find bus information?
Can I walk to school?
Can I ride to school?
The school day
What time do Year 7 have lunch?
Are students taught as a form?
What language will my child learn?
Where should my child go on the first day?
When can my child use their mobile phone?
If your child needs to contact home during the school day, they should see their Head of Year.
What are Electives and when do they take place?
What shoes can my child wear?
What type of black skirts or trousers are allowed?
For all students, skirts and trousers should be practical and formal. Fashion skirts and trousers such as jersey skater skirts, stretch tube skirts or flared / skinny fit trousers are not permitted as uniform. Skirts may be pleated or plain but must be no shorter than knee length and no longer than mid-calf.
Can my child have time off during term time?
Will my child have to complete homework?
We refer to homework as PP&R (Practice, Preparation & Retrieval). This can come in many forms and is used by teachers to help students to consolidate learning; to practise a concept; to prepare for the next lesson or to allow them to complete retrieval practice to strengthen their recall of key information. Students will be given a journal to make a note of their PP&R and when it is due. Parents need to look at this journal each week and sign it to acknowledge that they have seen the work that has been set and this is also monitored by Form Tutors.
What should I do if my child is anxious about starting High School?
Who should I go to if I have a query?
For pastoral issues please contact the Head of Year.
If necessary, we can then arrange to meet at a mutually convenient time.