Sixth Form Redevelopment

Redeveloping our Sixth Form

We are excited to be able to provide more information about our plans for the redeveloped academic Sixth Form that is due to open in September 2023 ready for our current Year 10 students to attend.

The newly unveiled Sixth Form centre will have a significant investment and undergo redevelopment providing a contemporary design over two floors. Students will learn in a welcoming and professional environment, in a dedicated Sixth Form Centre with full classrooms, ICT resources, Library, Refectory, Auditorium and Independent Study facilities. We hope that you are as impressed with the new designs as we are.

Hazel Grove Sixth Form will offer an academic curriculum with a range of A Level subjects.

More information will be provided in due course.


Click to see how our new Sixth Form building will look…

*NB All images subject to planning permission*