A Level: History

Course title: Advanced GCE in History

Exam board: AQA

Subject specific entry criteria: Grade 7 in GCSE History.

Course overview

Unit 1: Breadth study

Tudors, England 1485-1603

  1.  Henry VII, 1485–1509
  2.  Henry VIII, 1509–1547
  3. Edward VI, 1547-1553
  4. Mary I, 1553-1558
  5. Elizabeth I, 1558–1603

Unit 2: Depth study

The American Dream: Reality and Illusion, 1945-1980 

  1. Truman and Post-war America, 1945–1952
  2. Eisenhower: tranquility and crisis, 1952–1960
  3. John F Kennedy and the ‘New Frontier’, 1960–1963
  4. The Johnson Presidency, 1963– 1968
  5. Republican reaction: the Nixon Presidency, 1968–1974
  6. The USA after Nixon, 1974–1980

Unit 3: Historical Investigation NEA (Non-Exam Assessment)

  • A personal study based on the causes of the Holocaust. This should take the form of a question in the context of c.100 years.
  • 3000-3500 words.
Assessment overview

Unit 1: written exam: 2 hours 30 minutes

(40% of A Level).

Unit 2: written exam: 2 hours 30 minutes

(40% of A Level).

Unit 3: Marked by teachers and moderated by AQA

(20% of A Level).

Future progression

History can be studied at university in its own right, as well as in combination with other subjects such as Languages, Politics or Economics. There are also a range of related degrees such as International Relations or American Studies.

Potential careers

The majority of students who take History degrees do not enter a field connected to History. Those who do can be teachers, archaeologists, archivists or professional historians. Others enter a wide range of professions including the law, marketing, journalism, the armed forces, and management roles to name just a few. In fact, many of the skills you develop make it an ideal training for almost any profession. It is a highly regarded subject.

How to succeed in History

You will need a genuine interest in the subject and a passion for debate and argument. You should be prepared to work hard and to read and write extensively.